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Selectmen Minutes 03/16/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 16, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, and Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Fred Chagnon, Donna Chagnon, Carolee Davison, Bette Bogdan, John Martell, Jim Plunkett, John Dever, Chief Clarke, Matt Cole, Ed Millette, Alan Quimby, Kris Cole, JR Ostolaza, Thomas Houle, Lucille Noel

Selectman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM and welcomed Mike Paveglio to the Board.
Fred Chagnon
Mr. Chagnon asked if the Selectmen had a procedure for the way complaints are handled.  His concern is that many people address the Selectmen regarding another party and that party is not present to answer questions or represent themselves.   Only one side appears in the minutes for that week until the other party is able to come in the next week to respond.   Discussion took place as to how to avoid that problem.  Nancy brought up the fact that the Selectmen’s meetings are a public meeting and it is hard to anticipate what people will bring up at the meeting.  The public does have a right to speak.  There was discussion on what possible procedures might be.

Selectboard Chairperson
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to nominate Jeff Jordan as the Chair of the Selectboard. Motion passes.

Department Heads

Police: Chief Clarke introduced our new officer JR Ostolaza.  He was welcomed to Chichester.  Chief Clarke discussed an invoice that needed to be paid.  He will work with Carolee Davison for the funding accounts.  McMulkin Chevrolet has a prebuilt cruiser for us that we could have in about three weeks.  There was discussion about the Crown Victoria replacing the Fire Departments Explorer.  See also notes under Fire Department.
Chief Clarke reports a problem with the drain in the safety building and asked the Fire Department not to use the inside hoses until the problem has been fixed.

Emergency Management:  Nancy asked John Martell which employees needed the NIMS certification.  John said all employees need it.  Nancy will work with John and the Fire Department to establish who need the training.

Building Inspector:  John Dever reported being very busy during the last few weeks.  Mr. Dever submitted his resignation to the Selectmen.  Mr. Dever has taken a full-time position in Alton.  He will be working in Chichester until April 8th.  

Highway:  Jim Plunkett is updating the road map from DOT.  After updating the map we will be able to show an additional 14 thousand feet of paved road.  This is paved road already in existence, but was never added to the DOT map.  This will increase our Highway Block Grant beginning in 2011.

There was recent flood damage on Mason Road.  Jim will submit to FEMA.  
Jim will finish removing the damaged dugout tomorrow.  

We have two inmates starting tomorrow they will be working primarily on clearing the ROW.  

A number of truck tires were dumped on Cross Road.  Those have been picked up.  

Mr. Jordan asked Mr. Plunkett about an email the Selectmen received from Jason Wier.  A copy of the email is attached to the minutes as requested by Mr. Wier. Mr. Wier reports that on Wednesday and Thursday of last week the Road Crew did work on Hilliard Road, but again stopped short of the cul-de-sac.  

Mr. Plunkett’s response was that it was his understanding that only Perry Brook Road was being done.  He will check with the employee who was working in that area.  Mr. Paveglio asked if Mr. Plunkett would provide the notes that Mr. Wier asked for last week to the Board of Selectmen and to Mr. Wier.   Mr. Plunkett will bring the notes into the Town Office and Nancy will forward them to Jason.

Mr. Mayville asked if there was any feedback from the site visit with Pike.  Jim said that he is still waiting for a letter from Pike, however, they did say that they felt the center crack was due to water and some of the ditch lines were too steep.

Fire Department:  Alan Quimby reported on behalf of the Fire Department.  The Fire Department is at the point of seeking an independent mechanic to look at a truck for possible purchase in CA.
Inspections on the apparatus are complete.

An estimate was received for mechanical work on the Explorer totally $1,300.  Alan Quimby would like to sell it.  Placing the vehicle on Craigslist was discussed.  

There are sign-on issues with the Fire Department’s email.   Nancy Tanner is working with Comcast to resolve.  Mr. DeBold asked Alan if there were any changes to the email such as deleted messages.  Alan said he has not deleted any messages.  

Ed Millette reports that call volume for the year is up.  Year to date we have had 134 runs verses 74 runs for the same time period last year.  There was a discussion regarding Ambulance coverage.  Mr. Paveglio asked why our coverage of Loudon was decreased.  The concern was lost revenue and change in procedures without department input.  Alan Quimby will check with Chief Burr and report back.

Mr. Jordan had a report that our Fire Truck had gone up a one way street the wrong way.  Mr. Quimby will address.

There was a concern about coverage during an emergency, Alan Quimby reported that we have had good turnout with a good crew and good response times.  

Library:  The Library has had some good programs including a computer safety workshop.  The next book sale is scheduled for May 8th.  

Steve MacCleery
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to nominate Stephen MacCleery as an Alternate ZBA member.  Motion passes.
Mr. MacCleery also expressed interest in the Agricultural Commission and the Budget Committee.  
Nancy will look into the rules of procedure for the ZBA to verify number of alternates.  Nancy will draw up appointment papers for Stephen MacCleery.

Other Business
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a), a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session to discuss a personnel issue.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan- yea, DeBold- yea, Paveglio-yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, a motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold
to exit the non-public session at 9:05pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  Jordan– yea, DeBold yea, Paveglio-yea.  Motion passes.
The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

Property on Horse Corner Road:  During a recent storm Horse Corner road was not passable and motorists drove around a tree onto a private citizen’s property to get through.  That property has damage such as ruts.  Mr. Paveglio asked if the Road Agent could contact the owner and see if the Town could help with the damage.  

Abatement: Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to abate the amount of $26.50 on Map 4 lots 45 & 61 for the tax year 2009 due to a delay in processing the deferral.  Motion passes

Food Pantry:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio pursuant to RSA 31:95-n, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $50.00 received from Gale Laker-Phelps in support of the Food Pantry.  It shall be the responsibility of the Town of Chichester to maintain an accurate record of all funds, detailing their expenditure, and that such records shall be made available upon request. Motion passes.
Fire Bills:  Two fire bills remain unpaid.  Nancy will send an additional bill certified mail.

Town Report:  Mr. Paveglio asked why there were errors and an addendum to the Town Report.  Nancy explained that the two additional pages from the School section had rolled from last year during a last minute merge.  The addendum was necessary to correct last minute changes.  Nancy also explained the time constraints of getting the Town Report printed and available for the public.
Agendas:  Mr. Paveglio would like the subject matter for an appointment to be listed on the agenda.

Salaries:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the market adjustments to salaries as discussed. Motion passes.
There was a discussion about performance reviews.

Building Inspector Vacancy:  There was discussion as to whether the Building Inspector position should continue to perform Health Officer duties.  Mr. DeBold felt the combination worked well.  Mr. Paveglio and Mr. Jordan felt the positions should be separated.  It was decided that the position would be advertised to read Health Officer experience preferred and re-evaluate the combined position upon applicant review.

Salary Surveys:  LGC has sent over a list of suggested Towns for comparison.  The Selectmen would like Dunbarton, Andover, Antrim, and Gilmanton added to the list.  

Committees:  There are many openings on committees.   Nancy will create a sign up sheet/board for the lobby.  
Ed Millette expressed interest in the budget committee.

Grange Hall Roof:  The roof on the Grange is leaking quite a bit.  Nancy will be getting estimates.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

The minutes from March 2, 2010 were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
    Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman   Richard DeBold                                    D. Michael Paveglio


Board of Selectman,

I apologize I cannot make tonight's meeting but wanted to bring this continuing issue forward.  I request that this message be included in the minutes for tonight's meeting.

At the March 2nd meeting the Selectmen and Road Agent indicated to me that maintenance on the end of Hilliard Road would from that point forward be taken care of by the RA.

The next morning the highway crew did remove the tree that had fallen during the wind storm - Thank you, I appreciate that.

Unfortunately Wednesday or Thursday of last week the Highway Dept was grading and\or york raking Hilliard Road and again they stopped just short of the cul-de-sac. Why?

Did I come away from that meeting with the incorrect impression that the issue had been resolved?

In addition at that same meeting the Selectmen and RA said that I would be provided a copy of the documentation from the Highway Dept. indicating that the town was not required to maintain the end of Hilliard Road.  It's been 2 weeks, why have I have not been provided any documentation?

Simply asking the RA to maintain this section of town road seems to not be enough.  I'd like to know in writing what the Selectman's course of action will be?

In addition to this letter being part of the minutes I request also in writing what the resolution to this issue will be and include that document in the minutes of the next scheduled Selectman's meeting.

Again I apologize for not being able to be there in person and please make sure Selectman Jordan receives a copy as I don't have his email address.

Thank you,
Jason Weir